Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Twas the night before preschool...

Twas the night before preschool, and all through my brain
I knew he was ready, but worried all the same.
The backpack was stuffed with fresh diapers and clothes,
With McQueen on the front and a name tag that glows.
The child was nestled all snug in his bed
While visions of tantrums danced 'round in my head.
Of course I slept late so I wore sweats and sneakers,
Looking a mess before all his new teachers.
When dropping him off, sure enough there were tears,
His fingers pried off me, he'll need therapy for years.
Away to get coffee! I spent those three hours
Holed up with caffeine in the corner I cowered.
The steamer would gurgle, the shakes would begin,
My stress manifest in the zit on my chin.
Then who did I spy 'cross the room?  Yet another
Sad-looking, so-anxious, new school first-day mother.
If I'd asked her I'm certain she would have agreed
It's heartbreaking my baby's no longer a baby.
More quick than a falcon, the fastest of birds,*
My peanut is growing, my love still beyond words.
I sheltered and pampered, I fed and I bathed!
I lost so much sleep! I played and I slaved!
To the Children's Museum!** The library and zoo!
Such a charmed little life with so much to do!
And now for a snuggle I beg and I plea
But he only responds, "don't look at me!"
I wondered how is he? My little Gus-Gus?
He must be having a good time - he must!
And then with a twinkle I heard from my phone
A jingle, a ringing, a blessed alarm tone.
I dried my eyes to go back for pickup -
And waved to my new mommy-friend with a hickup.
I rushed to the school, fearing the unknown
And embraced my toddler, who surely had grown.
My sweet little boy was excited to see me
And he looked pretty happy, or was I feeling dreamy?
His eyes - how they sparkled! His voice like a bell!
"Mommy! Mommy!" - my heart could just swell.
He wanted to show me his cars' traffic congestion
But I had more pressing ideas and questions:
What did you do? Were you sad? Did you miss me?
But he didn't answer, he was simply too busy.
We said "bye" to the teachers who looked on quite fondly,
Though possibly judging the state of my laundry.
And rightly so! We went home to the task,
And I continued my questions - I asked and I asked.
He would not respond. I was left to observe,
And how he behaved! Well, it threw me a curve!
All that I've taught him erased in one day.
"It's socialization!" That's what they say.
He's playing at war and he's now interrupting,
And other kids' towers he won't stop destructing.
He's biting and pinching and yelling a bunch
And he'll only eat cookies and french fries for lunch.
Maybe I'd rather just keep him at home!
But ... it turns out I do like my coffee alone.***

* Learned from Wild Kratts
** To be fair, we've only ever been there once.
*** This is not precisely how it happened, but it's poetry damn it. For example, I never met another parent at the coffee shop. Also, I spent the last thirty minutes of school-time spying on the playground from my car. I did not actually cry. Also, in no way has his behavior devolved. His school is fantastic and I'm sure he'll learn how to follow directions better. Right? RIGHT?