Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Squirrel Murder Part 1

Like approximately 93% of the blogging world, I used to write a blog about crafting. Then, like around 97% of the blogging world, I starting writing about parenthood. Sometimes I wrote for a hometown-pride blog and for a while I was writing a secret blog about sad, angry things that I didn't really want people to read - I just wanted a place to write them.

Conclusion: I lack focus, organization, and follow-through. And brevity.

Sometimes I still want to write about all that stuff but it seems like a hassle to parcel out my thoughts into those strict, categorical venues. And sometimes I want to write about totally random things that don't fit into one of those categories, so what am I supposed to do? Make a new blog for every caveat of life? Like, what if I want to write about squirrel murder? That subject is neither crafty, maternal, locally-relevant, nor confessional ...

So now I have a new blog and it's about squirrel murder and whatever else I want it to be about.

Stay tuned for Squirrel Murder Part 2: That day I let the neighbor kid touch a dying squirrel.

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